Monday, May 11, 2009

He Knows Me Too Well!

I have to say, I have the coolest husband of all! And most of all , whether good or bad, he knows me too well. For Mother's day he gave me a Flip Video. He knew it was someting that I would get a lot of use out of and love! And he's right. This little device, as small as a digital camera, will hold up to one hour of video. The best part of all... No discs, or memory cards, to keep up with. A USB connector "flips" right out of the side of it and the camera itself plugs straight into the computer. Then using the program that is also on the camera, you can slice and edit videos and even capture still shots from the video as photos. Gone are the days of 60 second video clips using my digital camera. So get ready guys, for longer and more "professional" Raylee clips!
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Mom's Know Best

So who knows best about what a mom would want for Mother's Day, well another Mom of course. And what does every mom love? Pictures! My mom surprised me with pictures of my one and only...Raylee! To hear her and Beth talk it was not as easy a task as it looks. These are just some extras that were on the CD. Some not necessarily top quality or best pose, but they are the ones that crack me up the most. Apparently Raylee really put on a show, as usual. This first 2 groups of pictures are of her in her Easter dress since I did not think I got any really good ones of her in the dress on Easter Sunday.

This bottom left picture gets me everytime... From the look on her face, that flower did not smell so good.
Again notice the right picture. Beth said she just found her a corner and sat down. Too cute!
But this one says it all...BLESSED! Wow, how blessed I am to have such a beautiful, happy, little girl with so much personality! And my word what a personality she has!
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Here comes the Rain!

Last week Raylee stayed with Beth while the softball team (I'll explain later) drove to Dothan for the second time that week (again...I will explain). These are the pictures I was sent. We all know how much it has rained in the last few weeks around here and Beth's yard was living proof of that. The small lake/pond nearby had overflowed and was puddled up near her driveway. I noticed all of the water when I dropped Raylee off at about 7 am. Well, Beth came out to meet us and lets just say they never made it inside before Raylee needed a morning bath. Notice she is still in PJ's. I though these were the funniest pictures. It is just like her! This kid loves a puddle. And thank goodness for crocs.
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