So for whatever reason, Raylee is now calling her Daddy "Michael"! I think it is kinda cute, but Daddy doesn't like it at all. I have been told by a few people that it is probably my fault, and that I should call him "Daddy" or "DaDa" more and "Michael" less. Michael seems to think it is just because I call his name too much in general! (LOL) Don't worry, he's not getting off the hook that easily. I AM trying to work on calling him "Daddy" more, but come on now, it is hard. After all, he's not MY Daddy!
I posted a couple of videos on the sidebar of her calling him today when he would leave the room. Pardon the near naked child. She was eating lunch after church, so we just stripped off her dress to keep from getting it dirty. It is always a mad rush to get home, get fed, and get to bed for a nap.
My two went through this too...Robbie was not a big fan especially because they would say his full name (Robert) in a stern voice...I wonder who they got that from???
Love the new banner great!!!
That is so funny! I love the videos! She is getting to be such a big girl!
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