Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Tiny Dancer

This is just a taste of Raylee's dancing talent. If I haven't said it before, Raylee is always dancing. Almost any time she hears music she will stop what she is doing and just dance. Sometimes it is a head shake, sometimes foot stomps, but whatever it is almost always makes me laugh. This particular night in the video she danced for what seemed like forever. It may have been 10 minutes or so. She knew we all were sitting around watching her, so she just kept it up. This is only a glimpse of her performance. It took us a while to actually get the camera out because usually she stops when we do. But she danced for so long that I think she forgot about the camera. I am not sure where she gets her rythym, but the girl's got it.


TateandLily'sMom said...

Seems like her and Tate need to get together. They'd make quite the duo...

Stanley Family said...

That is hilarious! She is so cute!!!