She may kill me one day for this, but I just could not leave this out! After breaking our arrangement that she could "get down" in Hancock, ONLY if she did not run away from Mommy, Raylee made it quite clear that she did not like the results Mommy imposed. I then had to HOLD her. What torture...right? Well any of you who have ever had a strong willed toddler as I do, know what it is like to feel your blood boil while they kick and scream to no avail and every eye within 100 yards is on you like glue. I continued to hold my place in line, not going to give up my spot because we had been in line so long already, while my "sweet angel" kicked, screamed, cried and went limp over an over all while nearly tearing my clothes off. All happening while flashbacks of myself saying "my child will never" ran through my head!
After this went on for probably 10 long minutes in the store, we finished checking out and headed to the car where I hoped the light at the end of the tunnel would come... But, no! After many scoldings and attempts to put a stop to the madness, and another 10 or 15 minutes later, while going down the interstate, I decided I would be the one to give up. NOT GIVE IN! Just give up trying to make it stop and just relax despite the ear piercing screams coming from behind me. So as I breathed deeply and sang silently to myself, I decided to capture this precious moment on film to share with all of you!
Much to my surprise, this was the answer I was looking for. As I was filming (and yes, driving) I simply asked her, "Are you through?" And out of no where, IT STOPPED! She just simply said, "Uh huh" while nodding her head. I about died! If I had known that was all it took, I would have used those words MUCH earlier!