This check up went sooooo much better that any other doctor's visit we have ever had. And thank God! Because of all of her ear infections in the past, she has had some bad experiences at the doctor and she HATES it! Well, it has been a while since we have had to go to the doc so we have been talking about it with her for some time. She got a little doctor's kit for her birthday and we have been playing with it so that she would know what to expect when she went for her 2 year check up. It came with a stethoscope, a shot, a blood pressure cuff, and even one of those things to look in ears with. We let her "doctor" us and she would even let us "doctor" her. I had hoped that this would help, and it did! The whole way to the office that morning I kept telling her we were going to the doctor and she would point to and say "ear", and "mouth"...letting me know she was going to let the doctor look in them. I would tell her "we are not going to cry, ok?" She changed her mind a little once we went back, and even though she cried a little, she actually cooperated rather than FIGHT! I was so proud of her!

Here she is playing in the waiting room. Different from the last visits when she would start crying the minute we went through the door and would not get out of my lap.
Once we went back, she acted scared, but was just quiet. We got her undressed and she got to weigh like a big girl by standing on the scale! (30 pounds) She thought she was something else, especially when the nurse gave her a little gown to put on!
Then she did so good only crying a little while the doctor looked in her ears and mouth and listened to her chest. She was still sitting in my lap though. She used to pull and tug on me and my clothes the entire time. I always looked like I had been in a brawl by the time we would leave. She did have her "come apart" when we had to lay her on the exam table to measure her though. (34 inches) I think that was tough because she felt like she was being held down. Then after the doctor left she kept saying "go" and I had to break it to her that she was going to get a shot! These are the pictures I took while we were talking about the shot to come and that she would get a sucker afterward... I couldn't help but laugh at the pitiful faces she was making!
And then... it was all over! She only cried for a second before and after the shot, and that was it.
She did so much better than I ever expected! I just hope each visit gets better. And hopefully we won't have to make any visits except for check ups.