Yesterday me, Michael and Raylee went to the zoo. This was Raylee's first trip to the zoo and I was anxious to see how she would act. She did not really get too excited about the snakes, alligators, turtles or birds. I think it was hard for her to even notice them because they were all very still and kind of blended in with everything. But she paid alot more attention to the giraffes, camels, and of course the monkeys. (Check out the video "Monkey Business") I would not have been surprised if her little arm was sore the next day from all of the pointing she did. I think the monkeys and giraffes were her favorite. We also rode the train, but she was not impressed. She did not want to just sit! I still say that probably her favorite part of the whole trip was the mist maker that Daddy took her through on the way out. (Check out the video "The Mist") She probably pushed that button 20 times. She was soaked by the time we got in the car. Mommy, Daddy and Raylee had a great time!
Ok, so I know it's crazy, but Michael and I went to Atlanta for the weekend along with several other couples to see the UFC fights that were in town. I actually ran in to "Rampage" Jackson at the mall in Atlanta the day of the fights. He was just there doing some shopping I guess. And of course, without meaning to, I acted like a fool when I saw him. I asked for a picture with him and I think I surprised him because I knew who he was. Anyway, before long I had blown his cover and attracted a crowd. Michael and the guys had split from us and did not believe us when we called to tell them who we had seen. By the time they made it to where we were he had already walked away to do some more shopping and his "photo shoot" was over. But they were still able to see him at a glance. We had a great weekend except for the results of some of the fights. If you know anything about the UFC, Chuck Liddell lost which was a shocker! He was knocked out cold and laid out in the ring for obout 5 minutes solid. It was a little scary to wittness. Anyway, It was exciting anyway just to have been there in person.
My name is Brooke and I am 30 years old. I am a RN, but only work part time now. I have a wonderful cutie of a husband named Michael who is my best friend and the love of my life. We were married August 21, 2004. Our beautiful daughter Raylee was born about 3 years later on August 7, 2007. Wow have our lives changed. But all for the better. Our lives will once again be changed this July as we are expecting our second bundle of joy. We can't wait to see what God chooses to bless us with. Being a Mommy is more than I could have immagined. I love it and can not wait to be a Mommy of two!