Sunday, April 27, 2008

Almost Crawling

Well my baby is finally trying to crawl. I thought it would never happen. She had already started finding a way to get where she wanted, but never by crawling. Well she is now getting up on hands and knees and rocking, and she will even get up on her hands and toes. She has not quite got the motion of moving her hands forward, but it won't be long. She couldn't care less about crawling or even trying to, until she gets mad. She fusses almost the whole time, probably because we are watching and laughing. I hope to get a quick video of her trying posted on the sidebar, so check it out. It is not that great, but it is better than nothing.

Down Home Picnic

Well a couple of Saturdays ago Raylee and I had a picnic. It was her first picnic and so what if it was in our own back yard. Now that Sadie has had the puppies she is spending a lot less time in our back yard and a lot more time in the basement. So we took advantage of the dog free, slobber free yard. We had a picnic basket full of puffs and toys. We just spread a blanket out on the grass (after checking for poop) and had snacks. Raylee really enjoyed herself. She loves being outside. It was a little windy so once Raylee found out that the grass tasted so good we had to go in for naptime.

Friday, April 18, 2008

First Ball Game

Raylee went to her first softball game yesterday. She went to see her only cousin Kinsley play. Too bad she slept through most of it. (Raylee, not Kinsley). This was after she got over the squinted eyes and the sweating. It is really hard to believe she hasn't been to a ball game yet. I am sure the days where we spend the majority of every weekend at the ballpark are fast approaching. I can't wait (almost). We all went to eat after the game and Sister Beth stopped by to show us her new car. Raylee was in rare form. Check out just a glimpse of her uncontrolled laughter in the video on the sidebar.

Roll Tide

Spending a day with Nana is always fun, but spending it with Nanna AND wearing a Bama Dress all day is just TOO much! Daddy has to admit that it doesn't matter what she has on, she is always beautiful.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just another beautiful day at home to enjoy. We went out in the yard to enjoy the weather. Raylee's favorite part was the stick she found in the driveway. She showed her temper everytime I tried to take it away. All she wanted to do was eat it. Oh well, I am sure many children have eaten much worse.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sadie Returns Home

Sadie has returned home, well, with a little help. For the few of you who were not awakened yesterday with the news, Sadie "broke out" early Tuesday morning during the thunder storms. She is terrified thunder and lightning and she just forced her way out of the fence. After the storm woke me up around 4:00, I woke up Michael. And of course Sadie was already gone. Michael spent the few hours before work driving around the neighborhood looking for her (still dark and storming). But no luck. Oh yeah, and to make matters worse, she is expecting puppies THIS weekend. We went to work after debaiting calling in and just called anyone and everyone we knew for help. I was sick all day at the thought of her being hit by a car, having puppies in the woods somewhere, and every other bad thing that could happen. My dad (who is retired) made several trips that day to our neighborhood without any luck. But guess who actually found her. Michael's mom! Probably the smallest person in our entire family. She said she couldn't stand the thought of her being lost and scared either. So, she left work on her lunch break, and just drove up on Sadie wandering through a neighbor's yard. In the mean time Alexis, who took her lunch and prep period to drive around our neighborhood, had been driving around for a little while calling Sadie out of her window. After borowing a rope from someone down the street, Sharon began to walk Sadie home. (Now in case you don't know and you can't tell by the pictures, Sadie is no Chijuaja. She is a St. Bernard and she weighs about 130 pounds, not counting the pregnancy. Probably more than Sharon has ever weighed.) Alexis, still not knowing Sharon is even there, begins calling Sadie from our driveway. And yep, you guessed it, Sadie began to hurry home with Sharon in-tow. Alexis describes it best, when she says, she saw Sadie coming down the street toward our house and thought, "Who is that in high heels with Sadie on a rope?" And then she realized it was her mom! I have laughed about that for two days now. What a sight! Anyway, thanks to all who took time out of their day to help look for and bring Sadie home. Puppy anyone?