Friday, June 27, 2008

Catching up!

I haven't been very good about posting lately and I feel like I am leaving a lot of stuff out. Raylee is growing and changing so fast that I am trying not to miss anything. She took her first steps almost 3 weeks ago in the nursery at church. Don't worry, I was actually there and got to see it! She is still just taking a few steps at a time, usually between the couch and coffee table and stuff like that. It actually looks like just a controlled dive. Two or three steps is the most she will do on her own without falling to her knees and then just crawling. I think she realizes that it is just easier and faster that way.

Raylee has just started another round of antibiotics for another ear infection. This one comes about 2 weeks after the last one. We are leaving today for the beach so please pray that this type of antibiotic works for her. I won't be posting anything for a week or so (as if that will be anything unusual), but I will try to post beach pictures as soon as I can after we get back. I am so excited to see Raylee on the beach for the first time. I hope she loves it. After a few days of antibiotics she should be back to her usual happy self.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Josh and Crystal's Wedding

Josh and Crystal are now married!!! We spent Friday night and Saturday in Cullman for the wedding. The rehersal and dinner was Friday night and it was an Auburn/Alabama themed party. Raylee got to pick between two shirts and as I have been telling everyone, the kid is smart! She picked her Bama shirt. Daddy may not have liked it, but he said she was beautiful anyway.

The wedding was beautiful (what little I saw -- I was keeping up with Raylee under the pews). Raylee enjoyed the cake, the bubbles and of course the car decorating. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Josh and Crystal Lucas
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Gatlinburg Trip

I know I am behind, so I will keep it short and sweet. We went to Gatlinburg for Father's Day weekend and we had a blast. We did the usual Gatlinburg stuff: shopping, rafting, old timey photo. Raylee was exhasted by the time we got home on Sunday night. I don't think she has caught up on her sleep yet, but trust me, she is working on it. I hope everyone had a Happy Father's Day!
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do I look Sick to You?

Raylee has been fighting a double ear infection since Monday. After a couple of sleepless nights, a trip to the doctor's office, and some antibiotics, all seems well and she is back to her usual self.
I think this is her favorite spot in the house. It is our end table in our den. There is a shelf under it and there is just enough room for a little someone to climb on in. I have left her in the den playing many times and I come back and can't find her at first glance. She thinks it is too funny when I find her. It's almost like she is playing Hide and Seek. She looks like a little jail bird in these pictures, well a little jail bird with a runny nose.

Our Little Musician in the Making

Well, I guess it is inevitable. As much as Michael and I love music it should not be a surprise to hear that Raylee already loves music too. She loves to sit in Daddy's lap and play the guitar.(Check out the video on side bar) She loves to be sung to sleep too. She has gotten to where she bounces up and down as if she is dancing when music starts playing. And as you can tell she found Daddy's drums from Rock Band too. She pulled up on them and started "Oooing" as she does about everything lately. She thought she was something else. We may have a rocker on our hands after all.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sleeping beauty

I could not help but laugh when I noticed these were the only pictures that I had on my camera so far for the month of June. I guess I am reverting back to those first few weeks of Raylee's life when I took a hundred pictures of the same sleeping baby. She always looked so precious sleeping (still does) but all of the pictures turned out the same.
These pictures were actually taken on 2 seperate occasions. The first few were taken during our SS picnic at Tannehill, and the last 2 were taken on the way home one night from MiMi's house. She is a great napper and sleeper at home, but if she misses her usual nap times she definately makes up for it.

Partying with Uncle Joshuwa

Hangin' out with Nana

Now and Then

Wow, once again a picture is like a thousand words. This first picture was on Labor day last year when Raylee was less than a month old. Her first day at the pool. The second picture is from Memorial day and it happened by complete accident. Raylee had fallen asleep in her MiMi's lap once again and when I saw her I remembered the picture we had from 9 months prior and I just had to capture the moment again. So much has happened in these past 9 months. My life (along with Raylee's) is racing by. It is moments like these that will last forever.
I love you Raylee!

Memorial Day

Well we had a fun day at the pool on Memorial Day as usual. Raylee enjoyed the water even more this time because it was not as cold. She loved splashing the water into her own face. It was too cute. But as always, the day without her scheduled naps took a toll on our little swimmer.

A Day with Aunt Meg

These are a few pictures I found on my camera from one day several weeks ago when Meghan kept Raylee while I worked. It looks like her day went on without me as it usually does - playing in the floor, Little Einsteins, and fun in the highchair. That's my "Little Angel".

Alexis is keeping Raylee now while she is off for the summer. I am so thankful for her. I haven't gotten any pictures yet from their fun days together (HINT, HINT) but I will post them as soon as I do.